[League of Legends] - List of Champions

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PostitamineKülaline 09.02.14 22:25


Teen suured muudatused
Kokku on League of Legendsis praeguseks 125 championit lisaks on veel 17 tühistatud championit ning 1 on tulekul väljalaskmiskuupäev on teadmata, ning üks 1. Aprilli maskott, Urf, the Manatee.
ROHELINE - 450 IP Maksvad Championid.
SININE - 1350 IP Maksvad Championid.
ORANZ - 3150 IP Maksvad Championid.
PUNANE - 4800 IP Maksvad Championid.
LILLA - 6300 IP Maksvad Championid.
ROOSA - Championid mis on olemas kuid ei ole mängus kuna ei sobi lorega kokku või on alles projektis.
TUMESININE - Championid mis ei ole tulnud kunagi ja nende release on tühistatud, Urf, the Manatee on 1. Aprilli Maskott ja teda saab mängida ainult siis kui sa oled ostnud mõnele championile Urfi skini, tehniliselt mängid ikkagi näiteks Warwickuga aga välimusepoolest näed rohkem Urfi moodi välja.

12 Championit
1.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-AmumuSquare Amumu
2.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-AnnieSquare Annie
3.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-AsheSquare Ashe
4.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-GarenSquare Garen
5.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-KayleSquare Kayle
6.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-MasterYiSquare Master Yi
7.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-NunuSquare Nunu
8.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-PoppySquare Poppy
9.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-RyzeSquare Ryze
10. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-SivirSquare Sivir
11. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-SorakaSquare Soraka
12. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-WarwickSquare Warwick

21 Championit
1.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-ZileanSquare Zilean
2.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-XinZhaoSquare Xin Zhao
3.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-TeemoSquare Teemo
4.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-TristanaSquare Tristana
5.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-TryndamereSquare Tryndamere
6.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-MorganaSquare Morgana
7.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-SingedSquare Singed
8.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-SionSquare Sion
9.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-NasusSquare Nasus
10. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-EvelynnSquare Evelynn
11. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-ChoGathSquare Cho'Gath
12. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-FiddlesticksSquare Fiddlesticks
13. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-DrMundoSquare Dr.Mundo
14. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-AlistarSquare Alistar
15. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-JaxSquare Jax
16. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-MalphiteSquare Malphite
17. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-JannaSquare Janna
18. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-TwistedFateSquare Twisted Fate
19. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-UdyrSquare Udyr
20. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-VeigarSquare Veigar
21. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-TaricSquare Taric

25 Championit
1.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-KatarinaSquare Katarina
2.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-KarmaSquare Karma
3.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-AkaliSquare Akali
4.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-BlitzcrankSquare Blitzcrank
5.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-KassadinSquare Kassadin
6.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-KarthusSquare Karthus
7.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-MordekaiserSquare Mordekaiser
8.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-MissFortuneSquare Miss Fortune
9.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-AniviaSquare Anivia
10. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-CorkiSquare Corki
11. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-GragasSquare Gragas
12. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-HeimerdingerSquare Heimerdinger
13. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-LeBlancSquare LeBlanc
14. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-LuxSquare Lux
15. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-UrgotSquare Urgot
16. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-RammusSquare Rammus
17. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-PantheonSquare Pantheon
18. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-OlafSquare Olaf
19. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-NidaleeSquare Nidalee
20. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-ShenSquare Shen
21. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-ShacoSquare Shaco
22. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-SonaSquare Sona
23. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-GangplankSquare Gangplank
24. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-TwitchSquare Twitch
25. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-ShyvanaSquare Shyvana

35 Championit
1.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-BrandSquare Brand
2.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-AhriSquare Ahri
3.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-FizzSquare Fizz
4.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-EzrealSquare Ezreal
5.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-GalioSquare Galio
6.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-SwainSquare Swain
7.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-SkarnerSquare Skarner
8.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-RumbleSquare Rumble
9.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-LeonaSquare Leona
10. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-RenektonSquare Renekton
11. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-SejuaniSquare Sejuani
12. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-NocturneSquare Nocturne
13. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-OriannaSquare Orianna
14. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-VayneSquare Vayne
15. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-TalonSquare Talon
16. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-TrundleSquare Trundle
17. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-RivenSquare Riven
18. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-WukongSquare Wukong
19. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-XerathSquare Xerath  
20. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-ViktorSquare Viktor
21. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-VolibearSquare Volibear
22. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-YorickSquare Yorick
23. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-VladimirSquare Vladimir
24. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-ZiggsSquare Ziggs
25. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-MalzaharSquare Malzahar
26. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-MaokaiSquare Maokai
27. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-KogMawSquare Kog'Maw
28. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-KennenSquare Kennen
29. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-LeeSinSquare Lee Sin
30. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-IreliaSquare Irelia
31. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-JarvanIVSquare Jarvan IV
32. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-CaitlynSquare Caitlyn
33. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-CassiopeiaSquare Cassiopeia
34. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-GravesSquare Graves
35. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-NautilusSquare Nautilus

32 Championit
1.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-ZyraSquare Zyra
2.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-LuluSquare Lulu
3.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-LucianSquare Lucian
4.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-KhaZixSquare Kha'Zix
5.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-LissandraSquare Lissandra
6.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-HecarimSquare Hecarim
7.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-KalistaSquare Kalista
8.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-JinxSquare Jinx
9.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-JayceSquare Jayce
10. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-BraumSquare Braum
11. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-AzirSquare Azir
12. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-BardSquare Bard
13. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-AatroxSquare Aatrox
14. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-EliseSquare Elise
15. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-DravenSquare Draven
16. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-DariusSquare Darius
17. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-DianaSquare Diana
18. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-FioraSquare Fiora
19. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-GnarSquare Gnar
20. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-RengarSquare Rengar
21. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-NamiSquare Nami
22. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-QuinnSquare Quinn
23. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-Rek%27SaiSquare Rek'Sai
24. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-VarusSquare Varus
25. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-SyndraSquare Syndra
26. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-ThreshSquare Thresh
27. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-ViSquare Vi
28. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-Vel%27KozSquare Vel'Koz
29. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-ZacSquare Zac
30. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-YasuoSquare Yasuo
31. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-ZedSquare Zed
32. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-EkkoSquare Ekko

1 Champion
1. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-AoShinSquare Ao Shin
2. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-Tahm_KenchSquare Tahm Kench

18 Championit
1.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-ChampionSquare Avasha
2.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-AverdrianSquare Averdrian
3.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-ChampionSquare Eagle Rider
4.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-ChampionSquare Elemental Hydra
5.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-ChampionSquare Female Engineer/Mechanic
6.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-GavidSquare Gavid, the Plant King
7.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-ChampionSquare Iron Engineer
8.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-ChampionSquare Komachi
9.  [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-OmenSquare Omen
10. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-PriscillaSquare Pricilla, the Spider Queen
11. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-RobBlackbladeSquare Rob Blackblade, the Dashing Rogue
12. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-ChampionSquare Seth
13. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-TabuSquare Tabu, the Voodoo Shaman
14. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-ChampionSquare Tempus
15. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-ChampionSquare Tiki
16. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-ChampionSquare Twin Yordle (concept)
17. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-WellSquare Well, the Water Wizard
18. [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-UrfSquare Urf, the Manatee

Viimati muutis seda vonKrahw (26.06.15 18:03). Kokku muudetud 106 korda

PostitamineKülaline 18.02.14 4:47

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 110px-Amumu_OriginalLoading

Primary Role - Tank
Secondary Role - Mage

Statistics Level 1-18
Health: 613-2041Health Regen: 8.9-23.3Mana: 287-967Mana Regen: 7.4-16.3Melee: 125
Attack Damage: 53-118Attack Speed: 0.638 (+0%–37.1%)Armor: 23.5–79.6Magic Resistance: 32.1–53.4Movement Speed: 335

PASSIVE: Cursed Touch
[League of Legends] - List of Champions Cursed_Touch
Q-SPELL: Bandage Toss
[League of Legends] - List of Champions Bandage_Toss
W-SPELL: Despair

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Despair
E-SPELL: Tantrum

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Tantrum
R-SPELL: Curse of the Sad Mummy
[League of Legends] - List of Champions Curse_of_the_Sad_Mummy
Amumu's basic attacks reduce their target's magic resistance by 15/20/25 for 3 seconds. This debuff refreshes with every basic attack.Active: Amumu tosses a line of linen in the targeted direction. The linen will catch on the first enemy it hits and pull Amumu to target, [League of Legends] - List of Champions 15px-Stun_icon stunning the enemy for 1 second and dealing magic damage.Toggle: Amumu's tears begin to pool around him. Enemies within the pool take magic damage per second equal to a base amount plus a percentage of their maximum health.Passive: Amumu takes reduced physical damage from basic attacks and abilities.
Active: Amumu releases his anger, dealing magic damage to surrounding enemies. Tantrum's cooldown is reduced by 0.5 seconds for each basic attack that hits Amumu.
Active: Amumu [League of Legends] - List of Champions 15px-Disarm_icon entangles nearby enemies, dealing magic damage and rendering them unable to move and attack for 2 seconds.
COST: 80/90/100/110/120 mana
COOLDOWN: 16/14/12/10/8
RANGE: 300
COST: 8 mana per second
RANGE: 350
COST: 35 mana
COOLDOWN: 10/9/8/7/6
RANGE: 550
COST: 100/150/200 mana
COOLDOWN: 150/130/110

Classic Amumu

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Amumu_0
Pharaoh Amumu

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Amumu_1
Vancouver Amumu

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Amumu_2

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Amumu_3
Re-Gifted Amumu

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Amumu_4
Almost-Prom King Amumu

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Amumu_5
Little Knight Amumu

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Amumu_6
Sad Robot Amumu

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Amumu_7
Surprise Party Amumu

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Amumu_8

Viimati muutis seda vonKrahw (26.06.15 18:34). Kokku muudetud 35 korda

PostitamineKülaline 18.02.14 4:50

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 110px-Ashe_OriginalLoading

Primary Role - Marksman
Secondary Role - Support

Statistics Level 1-18
Health: 528–1871Health Regen: 5.4–14.8Mana: 232–827Mana Regen: 7.0–13.8Ranged: 600
Attack Damage: 51-100Attack Speed: 0.658 (+0%–56.6%)Armor: 21.2–79.0Magic Resistance: 30.0Movement Speed: 325

PASSIVE: Frost Shots
[League of Legends] - List of Champions Frost_Shot
Q-SPELL: Rangers Focus
[League of Legends] - List of Champions 36px-Ranger%27s_Focus[League of Legends] - List of Champions 36px-Ranger%27s_Focus_2
W-SPELL: Volley

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Volley
E-SPELL: Hawkshot

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Hawkshot
R-SPELL: Enchanted Crystal Arrow
[League of Legends] - List of Champions Enchanted_Crystal_Arrow
Innate: Ashe's basic attacks and abilities apply [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-Frost_Shot_Debuff Frost to enemies damaged, [League of Legends] - List of Champions 15px-Slow_icon slowing them by 5 / 11 / 17 / 23 / 29 / 35% for 2 seconds.

Ashe's basic attacks against frosted enemies always [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-Critical_strike_icon critically strike for modified critical damage, but Ashe otherwise cannot perform critical strikes.

Total Damage: 110 + (%Critical Strike Chance × (1 + Bonus Critical Strike Damage)) %AD
Passive: Ashe gains a stack of [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-Focus Focus for 4 seconds whenever she [League of Legends] - List of Champions 15px-Slow_icon slows an enemy, stacking up to 5 times. Active: Ashe consumes her current [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-Focus Focus stacks and gains bonus attack speed and increases [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-Frost_Shot Frost Shot's [League of Legends] - List of Champions 15px-Slow_icon slow strength by 20% for 4 seconds. Full stack active: If Ashe has 5 stacks of [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-Focus Focus on activation, Ranger's Focus will also cause each of Ashe's basic attacks to fire a flurry of five arrows. Each arrow deals modified damage that stacks multiplicatively with [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-Frost_Shot Frost Shots and benefits from life steal. The flurry will trigger on-attack effects five times but on-hit effects are only applied once.Active: Ashe fires 9 arrows in a 57.5º cone, dealing physical damage to enemies hit. Enemies can intercept multiple arrows, but will not take damage from arrows beyond the first. Volley will generate one stack of [League of Legends] - List of Champions 20px-Focus Focus if an enemy is hit.Active: Ashe animates a hawk to scout for her, granting sight for 2 seconds as it flies towards a target location. Hawkshot grants a 1000-radius area of sight for 5 seconds when it reaches its destination. The sight is not obstructed by brush or terrain.

Hawkshot can store up to 2 charges upon reaching rank 2.
Active: Ashe fires a giant arrow in a straight line. If it hits an enemy champion, it will deal magic damage and [League of Legends] - List of Champions 15px-Stun_icon stun that champion for 1-3.5 second(s), based on the distance the arrow traveled. Additionally, enemies within a 250-radius of the impact take half the damage.
RANGE: 1200
COST: 50 Mana
COOLDOWN: 12/10/8/6/4
RANGE: Global
Recharge Time: 90/80/70/60/50
RANGE: Global
COST: 100 Mana
COOLDOWN: 100/90/80

Classic Ashe

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Ashe_0
Freljord Ashe

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Ashe_1
Sherwood Forest Ashe

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Ashe_2
Woad Ashe

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Ashe_3
Queen Ashe

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Ashe_4
Amethyst Ashe

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Ashe_5
Heartseeker Ashe

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Ashe_6
Marauder Ashe

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Ashe_7

Viimati muutis seda vonKrahw (26.06.15 18:57). Kokku muudetud 13 korda

PostitamineKülaline 18.02.14 6:22

Garen, the Might of Demacia
[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2co2652

Classic Garen:

Sanguine Garen:

Desert Trooper Garen:

Commando Garen:

Dreadknight Garen:

Rugged Garen:

Steel Legion Garen:


[League of Legends] - List of Champions Nmn7tu

[League of Legends] - List of Champions I5wshg

Perseverance Passive Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Oubpg8

Decisive Strike Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 256epz8

Courage Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2w5kikk

Judgement Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 23u90yf

Demacian Justice Video:

Viimati muutis seda vonKrahw (16.05.14 2:32). Kokku muudetud 2 korda

PostitamineKülaline 18.02.14 7:21

Kayle, the Judicator
[League of Legends] - List of Champions 208wnph

Classic Kayle:

Silver Kayle:

Viridian Kayle:

Unmasked Kayle:

Battleborn Kayle:

Judgement Kayle:

Aether Wing Kayle:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 123qkcz

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 3518g37

Holy Fervor Passive Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Jtqezq

Reckoning Q-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Mvjhu1

Divine Blessing W-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2q3ayrb
[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2h8bcyb
[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2wpx

Righteous Fury E-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 5fqmtx

Intervention R-Spell Video:

Viimati muutis seda vonKrahw (20.07.14 8:55). Kokku muudetud 7 korda

PostitamineKülaline 18.02.14 7:27

Master Yi, the Wuju Bladesman
[League of Legends] - List of Champions 98skg9

Classic Master Yi:

Assassin Master Yi:

Chosen Master Yi:

Ionia Master Yi:

Samurai Yi:

Headhunter Master Yi:


[League of Legends] - List of Champions Spdcab

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2z8ztrt
[League of Legends] - List of Champions 287ps1s

Double Strike Passive Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Vr6kcn
[League of Legends] - List of Champions 53rbb7
[League of Legends] - List of Champions 53rbb7
[League of Legends] - List of Champions Icte1v
[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2rctn6h

Alpha Strike Q-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 28228gk

Meditate W-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Inbdqq

Wuju Style E-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Fd8u2p
[League of Legends] - List of Champions 1zciqrq

Highlander R-Spell Video:

Viimati muutis seda vonKrahw (20.07.14 9:15). Kokku muudetud 4 korda

PostitamineKülaline 18.02.14 7:34

Nunu, the Yeti Rider
[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2aa0cv4

Classic Nunu:

Sasquatch Nunu:

Workshop Nunu:

Grungy Nunu:

Nunu Bot:

Demolisher Nunu:

TPA Nunu:


[League of Legends] - List of Champions 25a0sus

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 5boaac

Visionary Passive Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 333fmtk
[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2jg3qfd

Consume Q-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2dvszfd

Blood Boil W-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions X5v4mv

Ice Blast E-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 5zmx6g
[League of Legends] - List of Champions J67h1c

Absolute Zero R-Spell Video:

Viimati muutis seda vonKrahw (25.07.14 12:09). Kokku muudetud 5 korda

PostitamineKülaline 18.02.14 7:39

Poppy, the Iron Ambassador
[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2925y5g

Classic Poppy:

Noxus Poppy:

Blacksmith Poppy:


Ragdoll Poppy:

Battle Regalia Poppy:

Scarlet Hammer Poppy:


[League of Legends] - List of Champions Oqdbte

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Besll2

Valiant Fighter Passive Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2zf7gas
[League of Legends] - List of Champions Vr4j8z
[League of Legends] - List of Champions Fedr7m

Devastating Blow Q-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2rwvx5l

Paragon of Demacia W-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Rmskkw

Heroic Charge E-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Rif28g

Diplomatic Immunity R-Spell Video:

Viimati muutis seda vonKrahw (25.07.14 12:29). Kokku muudetud 2 korda

PostitamineKülaline 18.02.14 7:48

Ryze, the Rogue Mage
[League of Legends] - List of Champions 15geas6

Classic Ryze:

Human Ryze:

Tribal Ryze:

Uncle Ryze:

Triumphant Ryze:

Professor Ryze:

Zombie Ryze:

Dark Crystal Ryze:

Pirate Ryze:


[League of Legends] - List of Champions F20q4g

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Wlrgqp

Arcane Mastery Passive Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Er0aat

Overload Q-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions E7lztf

Rune Prison W-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2vvwd1d

Spell Flux E-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 24blqn8
[League of Legends] - List of Champions 14n0lxu

Desperate Power R-Spell Video:

Viimati muutis seda vonKrahw (25.07.14 12:54). Kokku muudetud 2 korda

PostitamineKülaline 18.02.14 8:00

Sivir, the Battle Mistress
[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2gy50e8

Classic Sivir:

Warrior Princess Sivir:

Spectacular Sivir:

Huntress Sivir:

Bandit Sivir:

PAX Sivir:

Snowstorm Sivir:


[League of Legends] - List of Champions Zocn53

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Xd7zit

Fleet of Foot Passive Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 28krhh

Boomerang Blade Q-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Rbn05w

Ricochet W-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 10fdpuh

Spell Shield E-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2v9vmns

On The Hunt R-Spell Video:

Viimati muutis seda vonKrahw (25.07.14 13:21). Kokku muudetud 2 korda

PostitamineKülaline 18.02.14 8:05

Soraka, the Starchild
[League of Legends] - List of Champions 25gx7rc

Classic Soraka:

Dryad Soraka:

Divine Soraka:

Celestine Soraka:


[League of Legends] - List of Champions Xbxy1d

[League of Legends] - List of Champions S2aaes

Salvation Passive Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 4j74ex

Starcall Q-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 33zbwci

Astral Blessing W-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2q9gwfk
[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2e17fjm

Infuse E-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 9gkahw

Wish R-Spell Video:

Viimati muutis seda vonKrahw (25.07.14 13:31). Kokku muudetud 1 kord

PostitamineKülaline 18.02.14 8:13

Warwick, the Blood Hunter
[League of Legends] - List of Champions 9k3uok

Classic Warwick:

Grey Warwick:

Urf the Manatee Warwick:

Big Bad Warwick:

Tundra Hunter Warwick:

Feral Warwick:

Firefang Warwick:

Hyena Warwick:


[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2n6yoft

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2uot6zb
[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2dt1c1z

Eternal Thirst Passive Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2mrtxyf

Hungering Strike Q-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2k4zk5

Hunters Call W-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 33vcc3s

Blood Scent E-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions R7mxyu
[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2v1xl4h

Infinite Duress R-Spell Video:

Viimati muutis seda vonKrahw (25.07.14 13:49). Kokku muudetud 3 korda

Liitus : 30/04/2014
Postitusi : 1306

PostitamineKoke#6 06.07.14 20:36

Respekt, teemaga on palju vaeva nähtud!

PostitamineKülaline 08.07.14 12:46

Koke#6 kirjutas:Respekt, teemaga on palju vaeva nähtud!
Ja näen veel rohkem vaeva :)

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Vetera11
Liitus : 11/11/2012
Postitusi : 4394

PostitaminePilvik 08.07.14 13:56

tubli, jätka samas vaimus

PostitamineKülaline 25.07.14 16:21

Alistar, the Minotaur
[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2rxup9y

Classic Alistar:

Black Alistar:

Matador Alistar:

Golden Alistar:

Longhorn Alistar:

Unchained Alistar:

Infernal Alistar:

Sweeper Alistar:


[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2ecgl13

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2edmhvt

Trample Passive Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2vrx3l3

Pulverize Q-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2ltk75e

Headbutt W-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2j3k8jr

Triumphant Roar E-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2s8h6og

Unbreakable Will R-Spell Video:

PostitamineKülaline 25.07.14 16:38

Amumu, the Sad Mummy
[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2i9jchs

Classic Amumu:

Pharaoh Amumu:

Vancouver Amumu:


Re-Gifted Amumu:

Almost Prom King Amumu:

Little Knight Amumu:

Sad Robot Amumu:


[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2z5sj0x

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 142f0qf

Cursed Touch Passive Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Zwnxo4

Bandage Toss Q-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Taimvc

Despair W-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Vecdiw

Tantrum E-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 25p4s2b

Curse of the Sad Mummy R-Spell Video:

PostitamineKülaline 25.07.14 16:53

Cho'Gath, the Terror of the Void
[League of Legends] - List of Champions 24pf2tv

Classic Cho'Gath:

Nightmare Cho'Gath:

Gentleman Cho'Gath:

Loch Ness Cho'Gath:

Jurassic Cho'Gath:

Battlecast Prime Cho'Gath:


[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2cx3qp

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 15wm4yh

Carnivore Passive Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Snc4g6

Rupture Q-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2ztk2g5

Feral Scream W-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2ns50g6

Vorpal Spikes E-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Fazgwi

Feast R-Spell Video:

PostitamineKülaline 25.07.14 17:26

Dr. Mundo, the Madman of Zaun
[League of Legends] - List of Champions 1o0hns

Classic Dr. Mundo:

Toxic Dr. Mundo:

Mr. Mundoverse:

Corporate Mundo:

Mundo Mundo:

Executioner Mundo:

Rageborn Mundo:

TPA Mundo:


[League of Legends] - List of Champions Nnp3k9

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2wrhzmd

Adrenaline Rush Passive Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 11jnl2s

Infected Cleaver Q-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions K44n7

Burning Agony W-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Ap8jft

Masochism E-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 1j6l52

Sadism R-Spell Video:

PostitamineKülaline 25.07.14 17:44

Evelynn, the Widowmaker
[League of Legends] - List of Champions Hrjyw7

Classic Evelynn:

Shadow Evelynn:

Masquerade Evelynn:

Tango Evelynn:


[League of Legends] - List of Champions Dr379j

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Hrlh6d
[League of Legends] - List of Champions Zt88qf
[League of Legends] - List of Champions 71i4qp
[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2dkmm55
[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2vwzekn

Shadow Walk Passive Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 9zxfsz

Hate Spike Q-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Jg4iyo

Dark Frenzy W-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2ewnm85

Ravage E-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Rc4lxz

Agony's Embrace R-Spell Video:

PostitamineKülaline 25.07.14 18:03

Fiddlesticks, the Harbinger of Doom
[League of Legends] - List of Champions 30m3hv7

Classic Fiddlesticks:

Spectral Fiddlesticks:

Union Jack Fiddlesticks:

Bandito Fiddlesticks:

Pumpkinhead Fiddlesticks:

Fiddle Me Timbers:

Surprise Party Fiddlesticks:

Dark Candy Fiddlesticks:


[League of Legends] - List of Champions 35jb79k

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 209qedt

Dread Passive Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions J0l4ph

Terrify Q-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2uj0b28

Drain W-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Rbir5t

Dark Wind E-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 25al0me

Crowstorm R-Spell Video:

PostitamineKülaline 26.07.14 10:27

Janna, the Storm's Fury
[League of Legends] - List of Champions 16bfu39

Classic Janna:

Tempest Janna:

Hextech Janna:

Frost Queen Janna:

Victorious Janna:

Forecast Janna:


[League of Legends] - List of Champions Ngoqoy

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2mfj1o6

Tailwind Passive Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2laeova

Howling Gale Q-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2q0n8r5

Zephyr W-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2r56xi8

Eye of the Storm E-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2uicc91

Monsoon R-Spell Video:

PostitamineKülaline 26.07.14 10:41

Jax, Grandmaster at Arms
[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2r5qa1i

Classic Jax:

The Mighty Jax:

Vandal Jax:

Angler Jax:

PAX Jax:


Temple Jax:

Nemesis Jax:

SKT T1 Jax:


[League of Legends] - List of Champions 156ygqr

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2dkcmmh

Relentless Assault Passive Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Ayu9ut

Leap Strike Q-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 8x8pr8

Empower W-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 8y8fpf

Counter Strike E-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Fpbdzc
[League of Legends] - List of Champions Smu6pi

Grandmaster's Might R-Spell Video:

PostitamineKülaline 26.07.14 10:54

Malphite, Shard of the Monolith
[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2mmwzh2

Classic Malphite:

Shamrock Malphite:

Coral Reef Malphite:

Marble Malphite:

Obsidian Malphite:

Glacial Malphite:

Mecha Malphite:


[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2igesqv

[League of Legends] - List of Champions V6hoo2

Granite Shield Passive Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 107p3km

Seismic Shard Q-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 28a0rc4

Brutal Strikes W-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Og9s48

Ground Slam E-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Ju7syd

Unstoppable Force R-Spell Video:

PostitamineKülaline 26.07.14 11:07

Morgana, Fallen Angel
[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2ibpagi

Classic Morgana:

Exiled Morgana:

Sinful Succulence Morgana:

Blade Mistress Morgana:

Blackthorn Morgana:

Ghost Bride Morgana:


[League of Legends] - List of Champions 1z1hjci

[League of Legends] - List of Champions Dpd57a

Soul Siphon Passive Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 20rr6dh

Dark Binding Q-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 71qtcx

Tormented Soil W-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2qxxeh1
[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2q20qhe
[League of Legends] - List of Champions 2gw6sxs

Black Shield E-Spell Video:

[League of Legends] - List of Champions 5o5auq
[League of Legends] - List of Champions 4tqzpk

Soul Shackles R-Spell Video:

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