[FOORUM] Chatbox nagu Favalis
Lehekülg 1, lehekülgi kokku 1 • Share
- Tonight
- Liitus : 19/02/2012
Postitusi : 18003
• Hoiatused
○ sa pead kasutajatele andma selles alafoorumis moderaatori õigused, et nad saaksid chatboxis kirjutada
○ chatbox jookseb Javascripti abil ehk ei ole 100% töökindel
Tehes kasutajad andmebaasi alafoorumis moderaatoriks, tekitad sa järgmised probleemid:
○ kasutajaid ei saa enam ignoreerida
○ kasutajad näevad moderaatoritele mõeldud widgeteid
Kui sa ei muuda õpetuses mainitavaid sätteid, siis saavad kõik kasutajad järgmised õigused:
○ kasutajate bannimine
○ teiste kasutajate profiilide muutmine
• Eeltöö
Seejärel kontrolli, et moderaatorid ei saaks kasutajate profiile muuta. Liigu ACP -> Kasutajad & Grupid -> Kasutajad -> Profiles ja vaata lahtrite seaded ükshaaval üle (). Veendu, et moderaatoritel puuduks linnuke 'Who can modify the profile field value' juurest:
Veel peame olema kindlad, et andmebaas saaks normaalselt funktsioneerida. Selleks pead sa lubama läbi abiscriptide postitamise, liigu ACP -> Üldine -> Forum -> Security ja pane 'Unauthorize unofficial forms to post messages and private messages on the forum' valikuks 'Ei':
• Vajaliku grupi tekitamine
Sisesta järgmised andmed:
○ Grupi nimi: fa_db
○ Grupi staatus: Hidden group
○ Grupi auto-subscribe: Jah
○ Minimaalselt postitusi: 0
Ülejäänud lahtrite täitmine on vabatahtlik. Kui oled lahtrid ära täitnud, siis vajuta 'Saada' ning grupp on valmis. Auto-subscribe oli vajalik, et kõik su foorumi kasutajad oleksid koheselt selles grupis. Kuna sellist gruppi ei saa moderaatoriks teha, siis pead sa auto-subscribe uuesti grupi seadetest () maha võtma.
Favali lõpptulemus näeb välja näiteks selline:
• Andmebaasi tekitamine
Täida lahtrid vastavalt oma foorumile. Kategooria nimeks pane järgmine kood:
- Kood:
<span class="fa_database">Database</span>
Kui asi täidetud, siis vajuta 'Saada' ning kategooria on valmis.
Järgmisena tekita Database kategooria alla alafoorum, mis hakkab haldama su chatboxi:
Salvesta alafoorum ning seejärel vaata üle selle 'Volitused'.
Advanced volituste kaudu anna fa_db grupile vajalikud õigused (postitamine, sõnumite muutmine ja kustutamine):
Chatboxi (ehk alafoorumi) lugemise võimalus on soovituslik anda kõikidele kasutajatele, kirjutada saavad aga ainult fa_db grupi liikmed.
Seejärel liigu Database'i alafoorumisse ning tekita sinna uus teema.
○ Teema nimi: Database
○ Teema sisu:
- Kood:
[table id="fmd_chat" class="database_table"][tr][td]User[/td][td]Avatar[/td][td]Message[/td][/tr][/table]
• Andmebaasi kontrollpaneel
- Kood:
/* --- START DATABASE CP --- */
body.databaseBody { color:#666; font-size:11px; font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; background:#DEF; }
body.databaseBody a { text-decoration:none }
#db_wrap { background:#FFF; border:1px solid #CCC; width:80%; margin:40px auto; padding:3px; }
#db_wrap h1 { color:#479 !important; font-size:18px; border-bottom:1px solid #479; padding-bottom:3px; margin:3px 0; }
.database_table { background:#FFF; border:1px solid #CCC; border-spacing:0; width:100%; overflow:auto; }
.database_table a { background:none !important; display:inline-block; white-space:nowrap; overflow:hidden; max-width:100px; }
.database_table tr:nth-child(even) { background:#FFF }
.database_table tr:nth-child(odd) { background:#DDD }
.database_table tr:hover { background:#FFA }
.database_table td { border-right:1px solid #CCC; border-bottom:1px solid #CCC; padding:3px; }
.database_table tr.table_data { background:#EEE; box-shadow:0 10px 6px rgba(255,255,255,0.3) inset, 0 -10px 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.05) inset }
#db_list { background:#EEE; border:1px solid #CCC; float:left; width:150px; min-height:200px; padding:3px; margin-right:6px; }
#db_list .database { color:#999; text-shadow:1px 1px 0 #FFF; text-align:center; font-weight:bold; font-size:10px; background:none; border:1px solid #CCC; border-radius:3px; cursor:pointer; margin:3px 0; padding:3px; }
#db_list .database:hover { color:#479; border-color:#479; }
#db_list .database.dbactif { background:#DEF; color:#69B; border-color:#8BD; }
#db_tables { background:#EEE; border:1px solid #CCC; overflow-x:hidden; padding:3px; }
#innertable { height:400px; overflow:auto; }
.db_nav { text-align:right; background:#EEE; border:1px solid #CCC; padding:5px 3px; margin:6px 0; }
.db_nav a, .db_button, tr.table_data a { color:#999; text-shadow:1px 1px 0 #FFF; text-transform:uppercase; background:none; border:1px solid #CCC; border-radius:3px; display:inline-block; padding:3px 6px; margin:1px 3px; cursor:pointer; }
.db_nav a:hover, .db_button:hover, tr.table_data a:hover { color:#479; border-color:#479; }
.db_nav a:focus, .db_button:focus, tr.table_data a:focus { color:#8BD; border-color:#8BD; }
.db_title { color:#479; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; border-bottom:1px solid #479; padding-bottom:3px; margin-bottom:3px; }
.db_info { color:#58A; text-shadow:1px 1px 0 #FFF; text-align:center; background-color:#DEF; border:1px solid #BCD; border-radius:3px; padding:5px 3px; margin:6px 3px; }
.db_erreur { color:#C66; font-size:12px; text-shadow:1px 1px 0 #FFF; font-weight:bold; height:20px; }
.db_overlay { background:rgba(0,0,0,0.3); position:fixed; top:0; left:0; right:0; bottom:0; z-index:999; }
.dbo_content { background:#EEE; border:1px solid #CCC; width:65%; height:50%; overflow:auto; padding:3px; position:absolute; top:20%; left:15%; }
.dbo_content.process { color:#996; text-shadow:1px 1px 0 #FFF; text-align:center; font-size:16px; font-weight:bold; width:30%; height:auto; padding:6px 24px; left:30%; top:40%; }
.db_textarea { color:#333; background:#FFF; border:1px solid #CCC; border-radius:3px; width:90% !important; height:50% !important; resize:none; display:block; padding:3px; margin:3px auto; }
.db_textarea:hover { border-color:#479 }
.db_textarea:focus { border-color:#8BD }
/* --- END DATABASE CP --- */
• Lisa Javascript (ACP -> Modules -> HTML & JAVASCRIPT -> Javascript codes management -> ).
✓ In all the pages
- Kood:
_database = new Object();
_database.tid = 'SINU LINK';
_database.ctid = _database.tid.match(/\/t(\d+)/)[1];
_database.name = 'Database';
_database.protect = 1;
_database.filter = [];
// database post method
_database.post = function(o) {
if (!_userdata.session_logged_in) return;
o.state = 'OK';
$.get('/post?p='+o.pid+'&mode=editpost', function(data) {
var tables = $('#text_editor_textarea',data);
if (RegExp('id="'+o.tableid+'"').test(tables.val())) tables.val(tables.val().replace(RegExp(o.update[0]), o.update[1]));
else if (tables.val()) tables.val(tables.val().replace(/\[\/table\]$/,o.newRow + '[/table]'));
else o.state = 'ERROR';
$.post('/post?p='+o.pid+'&mode=editpost', {
subject: _database.name,
message: tables.val(),
post: 1
},function(d, s, x) {
o.reload && window.location.reload();
o.callback && o.callback(o.state, d, s, x);
// create a new database table
_database.newTable = function() {
var a = document.createElement('DIV'), b = document.createElement('INPUT'), c, t = document.createElement('TEXTAREA');
a.className = 'db_overlay';
b.className = 'db_button';
t.className = 'db_textarea';
b.value = 'Submit';
b.type = 'button';
c = b.cloneNode();
c.value = 'Cancel';
a.innerHTML = '<div class="dbo_content"><div class="db_title">Create a new database table</div><p class="db_info">Here you can create a new database table. For it to appear in the database, make sure to give the table the classname <strong>database_table</strong>, and a unique ID.</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p class="db_erreur"></p></div></div>';
b.onclick = function() {
if (!t.value.length) return this.previousSibling.innerHTML = 'You cannot create a new database table with an empty message body.';
a.innerHTML = a.innerHTML + '<div class="db_overlay"><div class="dbo_content process">Processing request, please wait...</div></div>';
$.post('/post', {
subject : _database.name,
t : _database.tid.match(/\/t(\d+)-/)[1],
message : t.value,
mode : 'reply',
post : 1
},function() { window.location.reload() });
c.onclick = function() { document.body.removeChild(a) };
_database.checker = window.setInterval(function(){
!_database.protect && window.clearInterval(_database.checker);
if (typeof _userdata === 'undefined') return;
if (_userdata.user_level != 1) {
if (RegExp('/t' + _database.ctid).test(window.location.pathname)) return window.location.pathname = '/';
if (/(mode=editpost|mode=delete)/.test(window.location.search)) for (var i=0; i<_database.filter.length; i++) if (RegExp('p=' + _database.filter[i]).test(window.location.search)) return window.location.pathname = '/';
_database.notice = 'Forumotion Database System developed by Ange Tuteur - FM Design. Used to easily update and get topic database content for plugins.';
// database control panel
RegExp('/t' + _database.ctid).test(window.location.pathname) && $(function() {
var admin = '', type = _userdata.user_level;
if (type == 1 && window.location.hash == '#edit') return $('.post').css('display','block');
type == 1 && (admin = '<a href="#new" onclick="_database.newTable();return false;">New Table</a><a href="#edit" onclick="window.location.hash=\'#edit\';window.location.reload();">Edit Database</a>');
document.title = 'Forum Database';
$('body').append('<div id="theOverwrite"><div id="db_wrap"><h1>Forum Database</h1><p class="db_info">This database is for storing simple data for plugins. You should avoid storing personal data, and should consider making backups of your database tables whenever possible.</p><div class="db_nav">'+admin+'<a href="/forum">Return to index</a></div><div id="db_list"><div class="db_title">Database List</div></div><div id="db_tables"><div id="currentDB" class="db_title">Select a database table from the left</div><div id="innertable"></div></div><p style="color:#999;font-size:10px;text-align:right;margin:6px 0;">Developed by Ange Tuteur | Version 1.02</p></div></div>');
$('.database_table').hide().each(function() {
if (type == 1) {
var pid = $(this).closest('.post').find('.i_icon_edit').parent().attr('href').match(/\/post\?p=(\d+)&mode=editpost/)[1];
$(this).find('tbody').prepend('<tr class="table_data"><td colspan="'+$(this).find('tr:last td').length+'"><span style="display:inline-block;padding:3px 0;text-transform:uppercase;margin:2px 0;">Table PID : '+pid+'</span><a href="/post?p='+pid+'&mode=editpost" class="db_edit_table" style="float:right;">Edit table</a></td></tr>');
$('#db_list').append('<div class="database">'+$(this).attr('id')+'</div>');
$('#page-footer, #pun-foot, #gfooter, #gfooter + p').appendTo('#db_wrap');
$('#db_list .database').on('click', function() {
$('#db_tables .database_table').hide();
$('#db_list .database').removeClass('dbactif');
$('#' + $(this).text()).show();
$('#db_list .database:first').click();
(_userdata.activate_toolbar && _userdata.user_level == 1) && $('#fa_menu a[href*="/admin"]').before('<a href="'+_database.tid+'">Forum Database</a><br>');
○ Näide:
_database.tid = '/t1337-database';
Kui oled enda koodi sisestanud, siis salvesta Javascript ning andmebaas on valmis.
• Chatboxi tekitamine
- Kood:
/* --- START FMD CHAT --- */
#fmd_chatbox { color:#666; font-size:12px; background:#EEE; border:1px solid #CCC; border-radius:3px; padding:3px 6px; margin:6px auto; width:95%; }
#fmd_chat_header { padding:6px 3px; margin:-3px -6px 6px -6px; border-bottom:1px solid #CCC; box-shadow:0 10px 8px rgba(255,255,255,0.3) inset, 0 -10px 8px rgba(0,0,0,0.05) inset; }
#fmd_chat_header .fmd_chat_title { color:#999; font-size:18px; }
.fmd_chat_options { float:right; position:relative; }
.fmd_chat_options input { margin-right:6px }
#fmd_chat_messagebox { background:#F5F5F5; border:1px solid #DDD; border-radius:3px; height:200px; overflow:auto; overflow-x:hidden; padding:3px; margin:3px 0; }
.fmd_chat_row { margin:6px 0; min-height:30px; }
.fmd_chat_avatar { float:left; background:#FFF; border:2px solid #8BD; margin-right:6px; overflow:hidden; }
.fmd_chat_avatar, .fmd_chat_avatar img { width:26px; height:26px; -webkit-border-radius:100px; -moz-border-radius:100px; border-radius:100px; }
.fmd_chat_clock { vertical-align:top }
.fmd_chat_time { opacity:0; -webkit-transition:500ms; -moz-transition:500ms; -o-transition:500ms; transition:500ms; }
.fmd_chat_name:hover .fmd_chat_time, .fmd_chat_time:hover { opacity:1 }
.fmd_chat_message, .fmd_chat_name { margin-left:35px }
.fmd_chat_message { overflow:hidden; word-wrap:break-word; }
.fmd_chat_message img { max-width:100px; max-height:100px; } /* limit message image size */
#fmd_chat_footer { margin:6px 0; position:relative; }
.fmd_chat_error { color:#C66; font-weight:bold; text-align:center; text-shadow:1px 1px 0 #FDD; background:#FCC; border:1px solid #F99; border-radius:3px; padding:3px; }
.fmd_chat_actions { background:#E5E5E5; border:1px solid #CCC; border-radius:3px; margin:6px 0; padding:3px; overflow:hidden; }
#fmd_chat_message { color:#666; background:#FFF; border:1px solid #CCC; border-radius:4px; padding:8px 3px; padding-right:60px; cursor:text; width:100%; height:32px; -webkit-box-sizing:border-box; -moz-box-sizing:border-box; box-sizing: border-box; }
#fmd_chat_send { color:#666; font-weight:bold; font-size:10px; text-transform:uppercase; background:#FFF; border:1px solid #CCC; border-radius:0 4px 4px 0; padding:8px 11px; height:32px; position:absolute; right:0; }
#fmd_chat_send:hover { background:#E5E5E5 }
.fmd_chat_sending #fmd_chat_message, .fmd_chat_sending #fmd_chat_send { background:#E5E5E5; opacity:0.6; }
.fmd_chat_button { color:#999; text-shadow:1px 1px 0 #FFF; background:#EEE; border:1px solid #CCC; border-radius:3px; display:inline-block; padding:3px; margin:1px 3px; -webkit-touch-callout:none; -webkit-user-select:none; -khtml-user-select:none; -moz-user-select:none; -ms-user-select:none; user-select:none; }
.fmd_chat_button.fmd_small { text-align:center; width:20px; }
.fmd_chat_button:hover { color:#666; border-color:#666; cursor:pointer; }
.fmd_chat_button.actif { color:#69B; border-color:#69B; background-color:#F5F5F5; }
.fmd_color_selected { height:10px; width:10px; float:left; margin:1px 3px 0 0; border:1px solid #999; }
.fmd_chat_dropdown iframe { border:none }
.fmd_chat_dropdown { background:#EEE; border:1px solid #CCC; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0px 6px 12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.176); position:absolute; top:-180px; }
.fmd_chat_dropdown, .fmd_chat_dropdown iframe { height:175px; width:275px; }
.fmd_chat_options .fmd_chat_dropdown { top:30px; right:0; }
.fmd_chat_dropdown.fmd_notice { height:auto; width:250px; padding:3px; display:none; }
.fmd_idle .fmd_chat_dropdown.fmd_notice { color:red; font-size:10px; display:block; }
.fmd_chat_help { border-spacing:0; border:1px solid #CCC; width:99%; margin:3px auto; }
.fmd_chat_help td { background:#EEE; border:1px solid #CCC; border-top:none; border-left:none; padding:3px; }
.fmd_chat_help tr.fmd_chat_header { color:#999; font-size:13px; font-weight:bold; }
.fmd_chat_help tr.fmd_chat_header td { box-shadow:0 10px 8px rgba(255,255,255,0.3) inset, 0 -10px 8px rgba(0,0,0,0.05) inset; padding:6px 3px; }
#fmd_chatbox.fmd_chat_max { position:fixed; top:0; left:0; right:0; bottom:0; margin:0; width:auto; border-radius:0; overflow-y:auto; }
#fmd_chatbox.fmd_chat_max #fmd_chat_messagebox { height:80% }
@media (max-height:700px) { #fmd_chatbox.fmd_chat_max #fmd_chat_messagebox { height:70% } }
/* --- END FMD CHAT --- */
• Lisa Javascript (ACP -> Modules -> HTML & JAVASCRIPT -> Javascript codes management -> ).
✓ In the home page
- Kood:
$(function() {
var config = {
char_limit : 750,
msg_max : 75,
msg_del : 25,
timeout : 120,
public_chat : 0,
title : 'Vestlusnurk',
mods : [1],
banned : [-1],
timezone : 2,
rights : 0,
plugins : function() {
if (!config.public_chat && !_userdata.session_logged_in) return;
var fo = {},
ud = {
id : _userdata.user_id,
name : _userdata.username,
ava : _userdata.avatar,
mod : 0
main = document.getElementById('content') || document.getElementById('page-body'),
fmd_chat = cre({
tag : 'DIV',
id : 'fmd_chatbox'
box = cre({
tag : 'DIV',
id : 'fmd_chat_messagebox'
header = cre({
tag : 'DIV',
id : 'fmd_chat_header',
html : '<span class="fmd_chat_title">'+config.title+'</span><div class="fmd_chat_options"></div><div style="clear:both"></div>'
footer = cre({
tag : 'DIV',
id : 'fmd_chat_footer'
actions = cre({
tag : 'DIV',
classname : 'fmd_chat_actions'
emo_frame = cre({
tag : 'IFRAME',
classname : 'fmd_chat_frame',
src : '/post?mode=smilies_chatbox'
color_frame = cre({
tag : 'IFRAME',
classname : 'fmd_chat_frame',
src : '/chatbox/selectcolor'
color_selected = cre({
tag : 'DIV',
classname : 'fmd_color_selected'
message = cre({
tag : 'INPUT',
type : 'text',
style : 'font-weight:normal;font-style:normal',
id : 'fmd_chat_message'
send = cre({
tag : 'INPUT',
type : 'button',
id : 'fmd_chat_send',
value : 'Saada'
refresh = cre({
tag : 'INPUT',
id : 'fmd_chat_refresh',
type : 'checkbox',
title : 'Automaatne uuendamine',
checked : (my_getcookie('fmd_chat_refresh') && my_getcookie('fmd_chat_refresh').length) ? Number(my_getcookie('fmd_chat_refresh')) : 1,
click : function() {
this.checked ? my_setcookie('fmd_chat_refresh',1) : my_setcookie('fmd_chat_refresh',0);
idle = 0;
this.previousSibling.className.match(/fmd_idle/) && (this.previousSibling.className = '');
reftxt = cre({
tag : 'LABEL',
forId : 'fmd_chat_refresh',
html : 'Automaatne: <div class="fmd_chat_dropdown fmd_notice">Automaatne uuendamine on eemaloleku tõttu keelatud... Vajuta sellele sõnumile, et funktsioon uuesti aktiveerida.</div>',
style : 'cursor:pointer',
title : 'Automaatne uuendamine'
cnote = cre({
tag : 'DIV',
html : '\x44\x65\x76\x65\x6c\x6f\x70\x65\x64\x20\x62\x79\x20\x3c\x61\x20\x68\x72\x65\x66\x3d\x22\x68\x74\x74\x70\x3a\x2f\x2f\x66\x6d\x64\x65\x73\x69\x67\x6e\x2e\x66\x6f\x72\x75\x6d\x6f\x74\x69\x6f\x6e\x2e\x63\x6f\x6d\x2f\x74\x33\x31\x38\x2d\x66\x6d\x64\x2d\x73\x68\x6f\x75\x74\x62\x6f\x78\x23\x32\x30\x39\x35\x22\x20\x74\x61\x72\x67\x65\x74\x3d\x22\x5f\x62\x6c\x61\x6e\x6b\x22\x3e\x41\x6e\x67\x65\x20\x54\x75\x74\x65\x75\x72\x3c\x2f\x61\x3e',
style : 'text-align:right'
options = header.childNodes[1],
doct = document.title,
newmsg = 0,
loading = 0,
idle = 0,
focus = 1,
config.rights && fmd_chat.appendChild(cnote);
/* check if the user is a moderator */
for (var i=0,j=config.mods.length; i<j; i++) ud.id == config.mods[i] && (ud.mod = 1);
/* check if the user has been blocked from writing */
for (var i=0,j=config.banned.length; i<j; i++) {
if (ud.id == config.banned[i]) {
if (ud.id == -1) footer.innerHTML = '<p class="fmd_chat_error">Palun <a href="/login">logi sisse</a> või <a href="/register">registreeru</a>, et ühineda vestlusega.</p>';
else footer.innerHTML = '<p class="fmd_chat_error">Sind on vestlusest blokeeritud. Võta ühendust foorumi administraatoriga.</p>';
text : '?',
title : 'Abi',
content : '<table class="fmd_chat_help"><tr class="fmd_chat_header"><td width="25%">Käsklus</td><td>Selgitus</td></tr><tr><td colspan="2">Käsklusi kasutatakse sõnumi alguses. Neid võib sisestada nii väikeste kui ka suurte tähtedega.</td></tr><tr><td>/me</td><td>See asendatakse sinu kasutajanimega. <br/>Näide: <em>/me armastab Favalit</em> <b>saadetakse kui</b> <em>* '+ud.name+' armastab Favalit</em></td></tr><tr><td>/rand<br/>/random</td><td>Genereerib numbri vahemikus 1 kuni 100. Sa saad teha oma vahemiku, kui kirjutad /rand <strong>(n1:n2)</strong>. n1 on minimaalne ja n2 on maksimaalne arv. <br/>Näide: '+ud.name+' mõtleb arvule vahemikus 1 kuni 100... 24!</td></tr><tr><td>/saamer</td><td>Küsi Saamrilt küsimus ning sulle vastatakse! <br/>Näide: <em>/saamer Kas Faval on hea foorum?</em> <b>edastatakse kui</b> <em>Kas Faval on hea foorum? <strong>[Saamer ütleb: no oky siis]</strong></em></td></tr>'+ (ud.mod ? '<tr><td>/cls<br/>/clear</td><td>See käsklus eemaldab vestlusest kõik sõnumid.</td></tr>' : '') +'</table>',
pop_style : 'width:99%;overflow-y:auto',
where : actions
name : 'Värskenda sõnumeid',
text : 'Värskenda',
where : options,
advanced : function(b) {
b.onclick = function() {
idle = 0;
apply : function() { b.style.opacity = 0.3 },
callback : function() {
b.style.opacity = '';
name : 'Muuda suurust',
text : '+',
where : options,
advanced : function(b) {
b.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
b.onclick = function() {
if (!fmd_chat.style.zIndex) {
this.innerHTML = '-';
document.body.style.overflow = 'hidden';
fmd_chat.className = 'fmd_chat_max';
fmd_chat.style.zIndex = '1000000';
} else {
this.innerHTML = '+';
document.body.style.overflow = '';
fmd_chat.className = '';
fmd_chat.style.zIndex = '';
name : 'bold',
text : 'B',
css : 'font-weight:bold',
tags : ['[b]','[/b]'],
where : actions
name : 'italic',
text : 'I',
css : 'font-style:italic',
tags : ['[i]','[/i]'],
where : actions
name : 'underline',
text : 'U',
css : 'text-decoration:underline',
tags : ['[u]','[/u]'],
where : actions
name : 'glow',
text : 'G',
css : 'text-shadow:1px 1px 1px',
tags : ['[custom style="text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px"]','[/custom]'],
where : actions
name : 'strike',
text : 'S',
css : 'text-decoration:line-through',
tags : ['[strike]','[/strike]'],
where : actions
// emoticons
text : 'Smailid',
title : 'Sisesta emotikon',
add : emo_frame,
where : actions,
advanced : function(b, box) {
emo_frame.onload = function() {
for (var i=0,frame=frameContent(emo_frame),a=frame.getElementsByTagName('A'); i<a.length; i++) {
if (/close\(\)/.test(a[i].href)) {
a[i].href = '#close';
a[i].onclick = function() { box.style.display = 'none' }
if (/chatboxsmilie/.test(a[i].href)) {
a[i].href = '#' + a[i].href.match(/chatboxsmilie\('(.*?)'\)/)[1];
a[i].onclick = function() {
message.value += ' ' + this.getAttribute('href').slice(1);
box.style.display = 'none';
// colors
text : 'Värvus',
title : 'Muuda teksti värvust',
add : color_frame,
where : actions,
advanced : function(b, box) {
var colortxt = my_getcookie('fmd_chat_colortxt') || '';
color_frame.onload = function() {
function setColor(val) {
message.style.color = val;
color_selected.style.background = val;
box.style.display = 'none';
var frame = frameContent(color_frame), hex = frame.getElementById('ColorHex'),
remove = cre({
tag : 'A',
html : 'Eemalda värvus',
href : '#',
style : 'font-size:12px;text-decoration:none;position:absolute;right:20px;color:red',
click : function() {
return false;
if (!hex) return;
hex.onkeydown = function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 13) { setColor(this.value); return false } };
for (var i=0,td=frame.getElementsByTagName('TD'); i<td.length; i++) if (td[i].bgColor) td[i].onclick = function() { setColor(this.bgColor) }
if (colortxt.length) {
message.style.color = colortxt;
color_selected.style.background = colortxt;
/* apply plugins, and add the shoutbox to the page */
/* get the messages, and refresh them if auto-refresh enabled */
var chatRefresh = window.setInterval(function() {
if (!refresh.checked || message.disabled) return;
* idle time is 5*60(5mins) without typing
* used to prevent extra requests and members appearing active if they left their browser unattended
if (idle > config.timeout) {
refresh.checked = 0;
reftxt.className = 'fmd_idle';
/* determine the window state */
window.onblur = function() { focus = 0 };
window.onfocus = function() {
if (!focus) {
focus = 1;
newmsg = 0;
document.title = doct;
/* typing and message submission */
message.onkeydown = function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 8) return true;
else if (this.value.length > config.char_limit) e.preventDefault(); /* prevent further typing if char limit is reached */
message.onkeyup = function(e) {
e.keyCode == 13 && sendMessage();
idle > 0 && (idle = 0);
if (reftxt.className.match(/fmd_idle/)) {
reftxt.className = '';
refresh.checked = 1;
send.onclick = function() { sendMessage() };
/* get message rows from the database */
function getMessages(o) {
if (loading) return;
(o && o.apply) && o.apply();
loading = 1;
$.get(_database.tid, function(data) {
var table = $('#fmd_chat',data), dbr=$('#fmd_chat .db_chat_row',data), sbr = box.childNodes, idset = [];
/* check if the last sent message is in the database, if not we'll resend the message */
if (o && o.last && !table.find('#'+o.last).length) {
message.value = o.msg;
sendMessage('Esines probleem, saadan uuesti...');
/* remove shouts from database that exceed the maximum limit */
if (dbr.length > config.msg_max) {
var rows = $('#text_editor_textarea',data).val().match(/\[tr id="shout_u.*?" class="db_chat_row"\]\[td\].*?\[\/td\]\[td\].*?\[\/td\]\[td\].*?\[\/td\]\[\/tr\]/g);
subject : _database.name,
message : '[table id="fmd_chat" class="database_table"][tr][td]User[/td][td]Avatar[/td][td]Message[/td][/tr]'+rows.slice(Number(rows.length - config.msg_max) + config.msg_del,rows.length).join('')+'[/table]',
post : 1
/* remove messages from the shoutbox that aren't in the database */
for (var i=0,j=sbr.length; i<j; i++) !table.find('#'+sbr[i].id).length && idset.push(sbr[i].id);
for (var i=0,j=idset.length; i<j; i++) box.removeChild(document.getElementById(idset[i]));
/* apply new messages */
if (sbr.length < dbr.length) {
for (var i=0,j=dbr.length,rid; i<j; i++) {
rid = dbr[i].id;
if (!document.getElementById(rid)) {
var uid = dbr[i].firstChild.innerHTML.match(/(.*?):.*?:.*/)[1], unm = dbr[i].firstChild.innerHTML.match(/.*?:(.*?):.*/)[1],
crow = cre({
tag : 'DIV',
id : rid,
classname : 'fmd_chat_row',
html : '<div class="fmd_chat_avatar"><a href="/u'+uid+'" title="Vaata '+unm+'\'i profiili"><img src="'+(dbr[i].childNodes[1].firstChild.tagName == 'A' ? dbr[i].childNodes[1].firstChild.innerHTML : dbr[i].childNodes[1].innerHTML)+'" alt="avatar"/></a></div><div class="fmd_chat_name"> <span class="fmd_chat_time"><img class="fmd_chat_clock" src="http://i38.servimg.com/u/f38/18/45/41/65/time10.png" alt="time :"/> '+dbr[i].firstChild.innerHTML.match(/.*?:.*?:(.*)/)[1]+'</span></div><div class="fmd_chat_message">'+dbr[i].lastChild.innerHTML.replace(/\[custom (.*?)\]/ig,'<span $1>').replace(/\[\/custom\]/ig,'</span>')+'</div>'
ulink = cre({
tag : 'A',
href : '/u' + uid,
html : unm,
title : 'Märgi ' + unm,
click : function() {
message.value += '@"'+this.innerHTML+'" ';
return false;
!focus && newmsg++;
!focus && (document.title = '** '+newmsg + (newmsg > 1 ? ' uut sõnumit' : ' uus sõnum') +' **');
(o && o.callback) && o.callback();
loading = 0;
/* post a message to the database */
function sendMessage(txt) {
/* filter out tags */
msg = message.value.replace(/(\[td\]|\[\/td\]|\[tr\]|\[\/tr\]|\[table\]|\[\/table\]|\[th\]|\[\/th\]|\[tbody\]|\[\/tbody\]|\[quote\]|\[quote=.*?\]|\[\/quote\]|\[code\]|\[\/code\]|\[hide\]|\[\/hide\]|\[spoiler\]|\[spoiler=.*?\]|\[\/spoiler\])/gi,'');
if (!msg.length || msg.length > config.char_limit + 1 || message.disabled) return;
message.value = txt ? txt : 'Saadan...';
message.disabled = true;
footer.className = 'fmd_chat_sending';
/* command lines */
/^\/me/i.test(msg) && (msg = '[b]* ' + msg.replace(/^\/me/i,ud.name) + '[/b]');
/^\/saamer/i.test(msg) && (msg = msg.replace(/^\/saamer/i,'') + ' [b][Saamer ütleb: ' + ['jhh','ehe ikka on jaa','söö ise oma putru muti','mis soo asi on','no oky siis','jhhhh','noo mis teed siis ka','või mis tee arvate siis sellest','ma ei usu seda','noo pole aega ju','saage aru juba sellest eks ole','jhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh','sau neiud siin mis teete ka siis','aga mõni neiu ka sees siin on we','kus naised on siis','urra surra murra','aga ok ma ära nüüd sau','uu','mis tahate kõik mu sünnale tulla we','kaua krissu ära on siis','kle olen jh','mul kaart tühi','või tuled mo juurde siis','kes mu kallal kurjustab siis või mis','sa MaRelYyyh ise oled laps alles','ja arvasin et tuleb midagi välja meist','keppi tahad saa et nii väga ma sinna tuleks','võtame naisi ka jh','noo et raha saada noh','jh ma olen tulemas','aga sa ja ma aind siis we','kus siis krissu kadus ka','sa tahaksid suhet luua we','sa nagu ei mõisda mitte midagi','kas sa igadsesid mind we','kas mingi uus neiu siin meil we','noo sain ju vähe raha oleks rohkem siis jh','vb teine päev muzi'][Math.floor(Math.random()*38)] + '][/b]');
if (/^(\/random|\/rand)/i.test(msg)) {
var min = 1, max = 100, n = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
if (msg.match(/\(\d+:\d+\)/)) {
min = Number(msg.match(/\((\d+):\d+\)/)[1]), max = Number(msg.match(/\(\d+:(\d+)\)/)[1]);
n = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
msg = ud.name + ' mõtleb arvule vahemikus ' + min + ' kuni ' + max + '... ' + n + '!';
if (/^(\/clear|\/cls)/i.test(msg) && ud.mod) {
message.value = 'Eemaldan sõnumeid...';
subject : _database.name,
message : '[table id="fmd_chat" class="database_table"][tr][td]User[/td][td]Avatar[/td][td]Message[/td][/tr][tr id="shout_u' + ud.id + '-' + +new Date + '" class="db_chat_row"][td]'+ud.id+':Enrique Iglesias:'+setDate()+'[/td][td]http://i18.servimg.com/u/f18/17/30/84/56/rsz_en10.jpg[/td][td][b]Sõnumid eemaldas kasutaja '+ud.name.toUpperCase()+'[/b][/td][/tr][/table]',
post : 1
},function() {
// formatting
if (message.style.length) for (var i in fo) RegExp(fo[i].d.a[1], 'i').test(message.style[fo[i].d.a[0]]) && (msg = fo[i].d.b[0] + msg + fo[i].d.b[1]);
// coloring
if (message.style.color) {
color = message.style.color.replace(/\s/g,'').toUpperCase();
color.match(/RGB/) ? msg = '[color='+toHex(color.match(/RGB\((\d+),\d+,\d+\)/)[1], color.match(/RGB\(\d+,(\d+),\d+\)/)[1], color.match(/RGB\(\d+,\d+,(\d+)\)/)[1])+']' + msg + '[/color]' : msg = '[color='+color+']' + msg + '[/color]';
var rid = 'shout_u' + ud.id + '-' + +new Date;
pid : config.pid,
tableid : 'null',
update : ['null','null'],
newRow : '[tr id="'+rid+'" class="db_chat_row"][td]'+ud.id+':'+ud.name+':'+setDate()+'[/td][td]'+ud.ava.match(/src="(.*?)"/)[1]+'[/td][td]'+msg+'[/td][/tr]',
callback : function(state) {
getMessages({ last : rid, msg : msg });
state == 'ERROR' && ( footer.innerHTML = '<p class="fmd_chat_error">Esines probleem: Sul puuduvad õigused sõnumite saatmiseks. Võta ühendust foorumi administraatoriga.</p>' );
function msgEnabled() { message.disabled = false; footer.className = ''; message.value = ''; message.focus() };
function scrollBox() { box.scrollTop = 99999 };
function setDate() {
var a=new Date(), b=new Date(a.getTime()+(a.getTimezoneOffset()*60000)+(3600000*config.timezone));
function set(i) { return i > 9 ? i : '0' + i };
return b.getDate() + '/' + (b.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + b.getFullYear() + ' - ' + set(b.getHours()) + ':' + set(b.getMinutes()) + ':' + set(b.getSeconds());
function toHex() {
for (var i=0, n=arguments, j=n.length, colorString = '#', h; i<j; i++) {
h = Number(n[i]).toString(16);
colorString += (h.length < 2 ? '0' + h : h);
return colorString.toUpperCase();
function cre(o) {
var el = document.createElement(o.tag);
o.html && (el.innerHTML = o.html);
o.id && (el.id = o.id);
o.forId && (el.htmlFor = o.forId);
o.classname && (el.className = o.classname);
o.src && (el.src = o.src);
o.type && (el.type = o.type);
o.href && (el.href = o.href);
o.title && (el.title = o.title);
o.value && (el.value = o.value);
o.checked && (el.checked = o.checked);
if (o.style) {
o.style = o.style.split(';');
for (var i = 0, j = o.style.length, d; i<j; i++) {
if (o.style[i].length) {
d = o.style[i].split(':');
el.style[d[0]] = d[1];
o.click && (el.onclick = o.click);
o.mouseup && (el.onmouseup = o.mouseup);
return el;
function frameContent(frame) {
if (frame.contentDocument) frame = frame.contentDocument;
else if (frame.contentWindow) frame = frame.contentWindow.document;
frame.body.style.background = 'none';
return frame;
function button(o) {
var actif = my_getcookie('fmd_chat_'+o.name) == 1,font,a;
if (o.tags) {
a = o.css.split(':'), font = a[0].match(/(font-weight|font-style)/);
fo[o.name] = {
d : { a : a, b : o.tags },
press : function() {
if (message.style[a[0]].match(RegExp(a[1],'i'))) {
message.style[a[0]] = message.style[a[0]].replace(RegExp(a[1],'i'),(font ? 'normal' : ''));
this.className = this.className.replace(/actif/,'');
} else {
font ? message.style[a[0]] = a[1] : message.style[a[0]] += ' ' + a[1];
this.className += ' actif';
actif && (font ? message.style[a[0]] = a[1] : message.style[a[0]] += ' ' + a[1]);
var button = cre({
tag : 'DIV',
classname : 'fmd_chat_button' + (o.text.length < 2 ? ' fmd_small' : '') + (actif ? ' actif' : ''),
html : o.text,
title : o.name,
style : (o.style ? o.style : ''),
mouseup : (fo[o.name] ? fo[o.name].press : '')
o.advanced && o.advanced(button);
function popup(o) {
var box = cre({
tag : 'DIV',
classname : 'fmd_chat_dropdown',
style : 'display:none;z-index:10000;' + (o.pop_style ? o.pop_style : ''),
html : (o.content ? o.content : '')
button = cre({
tag : 'DIV',
title : (o.title ? o.title : ''),
classname : 'fmd_chat_button' + (o.text.length < 2 ? ' fmd_small' : ''),
style : (o.but_style ? o.but_style : ''),
html : o.text,
mouseup : function() {
/none/i.test(box.style.display) ? box.style.display = 'block' : box.style.display = 'none';
o.add && (!box.childNodes.length && box.appendChild(o.add));
o.advanced && o.advanced(button, box);
Kopeeri PID väärtus ning lisa see scripti.
○ Näide:
pid : 60104
Seejärel salvesta Javascript ning su chatbox on kasutamiseks valmis.
• Chatboxi seadistamine
○ Lihtsamad sätted:
char_limit : maksimaalne tähemärkide arv sõnumis
msg_max : maksimaalne arv sõnumeid, mida näidatakse chatboxis
msg_del : sõnumite arv, mis eemaldatakse chatboxist pärast msg_max ületamist
timeout : aeg, pärast mida peatatakse auto-refresh (1 ühik = 5 sekundit)
public_chat : 0 = külalised ei näe chatboxi; 1 = külalised näevad chatboxi
mods : kasutajad, kes saavad kasutada /clear käsklust (vaja läheb ainult kasutaja ID väärtust, näiteks https://www.faval.eu/u3 = 3)
○ Värvuste lisamine:
Lihtne meetod nimedele värvuse lisamiseks on läbi CSSi.
Kasutaja tuvastamiseks kasuta järgmist võimalust: .fmd_chat_name a[href="/uX"]
○ Näide:
- Kood:
.fmd_chat_name a[href="/u3"] {
• Chatboxi haldamine
○ Kui chatbox juhtub "katki" minema, siis kõige lihtsam võimalus selle parandamiseks on /clear käsklus. Teine võimalus on minna Database teemasse ja parandada käsitsi tabelis peituv viga.
○ Kõige kindlam võimalus kasutaja bannimiseks on tema eemaldamine fa_db grupist.
Faval ei paku selle chatboxi osas supporti. Kõik vajalikud teadmised on õpetuses kirjas või scriptides leitavad.
- Anddduu
- Liitus : 17/02/2015
Postitusi : 188
Väga viis õpetus!
- Talirand
- Liitus : 19/08/2014
Postitusi : 4846
Väga pikk ja selge õpetus!
- Wastumusi♥
- Liitus : 29/11/2013
Postitusi : 1095
Nice õpetus, ma isegi pildil :d
- NiceSk1ll3r
- Liitus : 20/06/2013
Postitusi : 3680
- Heroes
- Liitus : 02/04/2015
Postitusi : 10332
See PunBB versiooniga ka töötab?
- flammable
- Liitus : 17/08/2014
Postitusi : 1600
Peaks töötama kõikide versioonidegaHeroes kirjutas:See PunBB versiooniga ka töötab?
- Heroes
- Liitus : 02/04/2015
Postitusi : 10332
Töötab! Proovisin
- r0byNLiige
- Liitus : 10/08/2016
Postitusi : 185
"Esines probleem, saadan uuesti."
Workib nüüd. Kindlasti pange oma database nimi vastavalt sellele mis on pealkiri database alamfoorumis teemaks.
Workib nüüd. Kindlasti pange oma database nimi vastavalt sellele mis on pealkiri database alamfoorumis teemaks.
Soovid vestluses osaleda?
Selleks logi sisse või tee endale kasutaja.
Lehekülg 1, lehekülgi kokku 1
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